So its time for me to pay back, and help a girl in my ward that is selling flower hair clips. So many people helped me sell my purses and is time for me to pay back. She made these clips for a YW Personal Progress Project and is now selling them so that she can pay for Girls Camp this coming summer. I decided to go try a few out, and I love them so much. They are fun, and it was nice to have a little bit of a break from all the bows in my hair. Everyone complimented me on them when i wore them, and they help my spirits... cuz I'M READY FOR SPRING!!!!!
so if you would like to take a look at them, or want more info on them, contact me, and i will direct you to her, or a way to contact her. I have these pictures of the ones that i bought, but she has alot more colors, sizes, and styles. I also got a few pictures of other ones that she sells, but not all. There are the big flowers and she is selling them for $2.50 each. and she is selling the small ones for $1.50!! what a great price!! let me know if you would like some. i promise you, they will be well worth the money. they're fun and super cute. thanks!!
Those flowers are so cute... I saw them at the house when I was over earlier. If I had a little girl I would totally put them in her hair. I still want some though for me and for maybe a future baby girl. Next time I am over we might have to make a trip over to this girls house so I can check them out. Don't let me forget....:)
Those are way cute! Hook me up with her info girl. I have a little princess that would be thrilled with some new hair bows.
I too would like to know how to get a hold of her to get some "purty" flowers!!
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