Saturday, February 28, 2009

The last of the purses!!!

I have about 15 more purses left. total. crazy to think only that much left, compared to the hundreds that I have sold so far. Thank you to all of those that have purchased purses from me. It has helped me to get to 19 more days!!!! yay.
So these are my purses with the number I have left, next to the picture. If you dont know by now. The purses are $12.00. total. so if you could let me know as to which ones that you would like to purchase, your name, and your e-mail address, that would be great!! THANK YOU!!!!!
And because I am trying to get rid of the skull and cross bones purses, I am selling them for $10. so if you would like one or know someone that would like one, let me know!!







Jenefer said...

I want one of the green/blue/yellow striped ones and the black and white one at the end of the list.....

Tell me what the price is with the shipping and I can mail the check!

Send the address too!

April said...

I want the one with the red bottom. My email address is Send me your address and the price with shipping and I will mail the money or if you have a way I can transfer the money to you I will be happy to do it.

randystacy said...

Was wondering if you had any of your skull purses left. I would be very interested in purchasing one.
please email me at