Saturday, February 28, 2009

Interview from Dessa

If anyone would like me to interview you, comment on this post, and give me your e-mail address. i will put together 5 questions for you, and you can answer them and post them on your blog. hope you enjoy this interview that Dessa put together for me. :)

1. You’re a senior and you’re graduating this year!!! YAY! What do you hope for in your future!? Goals? Plans? Dreams?

YAY!!! May 28th!! Here is my detailed plan after high school graduation: (don’t laugh I am very detailed in my goals and dreams in my future life)
I am planning on finding a job for the summer and working my little booty off to earn as much money for my future college experience. I am not thinking about doing much but working, tanning, having fun, getting ready for college, and enjoying my last summer. I will go to BYU-I mid-September and start school. The first semester I am planning on living in Barronessa Apartments and rooming with Chelsea Jenks and Mckenzie Skinner. I am planning on just getting my business degree and spending four years there. I would love to minor in French as well. It would be a great experience to study abroad in places like France, a few semesters, but that is a dream that I don’t know will be able to happen. We will see. Once I graduate from BYU-I, depending on how homesick I am, or how much I enjoy Rexburg, but will go to either a hair school in Rexburg and stay there another year or so, or come back home and go to hair school here in Boise or Nampa. But either one, I am going to hair school no matter what. That is really what I want to do for the rest of my life. I just decided to get my business degree because in these times, the more education the better I think I will feel about getting and keeping a great job. I would love to own my own hair salon and be a thriving, successful hair stylist with a cute little salon (which I am still working with the name, but I almost have a brilliant name!!) of course I would love to be married somewhere in there. Weather it be the first year I go off, which I know my parents wouldn’t be happy about haha but if Kat can do it I can! J but i could get married once I graduate and I come back home. Idk? I just know somewhere in that whole process I would love to get married and settle down and get ready to be a mommy. That is my life long goal, and I don’t care how long I wait, or how much heartache I go through, I make my decisions for my children up there watching me and waiting for me to find him. I constantly think about them and hope they are proud of my decisions that I make. I could go on to what I want to name my kids, where I would love to live, and how many kids I would like, but I think this enough for today. Maybe later. Haha.

2. What was an important factor to deciding to go to France for your spring break?

Hmmm… there are a few… One: I get a college credit for going. Who could possible walk away from that? NNU said that I will get a credit from their concurrent credit program only because I go on the trip. We thought that was a huge bonus in going. Two: It was only about $3,000 for going. If you start calculating airline tickets, hotels, food, tickets to museums, and all the expenses that go into that, if was a GREAT price for the quality and quantity that we are getting. Three: the lady that is taking us, has gone a countless times before on these trips. She really knows her stuff about the trip, the tours and stuff. Plus she lived in France her whole childhood and really knows the place. We felt pretty safe with that. Four: this is an experience that will forever change my views on the world and the way things work outside of my little box. I will broaden my horizon and be more knowledgeable of the world that I live in. I know I will come home and be more grateful for the country that I live in. Five: going to France will help me in the future when I want to study abroad and when I take all my college French classes. I know it will be an experience that will help me to understand not only the language but the culture and the way of life that comes with learning a language. Need I say more?

3. Since Katrina just had a baby, how do you feel about being a new aunt!!?

Well, I do have to say, I have been an Aunt for quite some time now, but it is definitely different having the kid around and watching him grow right in front of me. I have spent a few weekends out there with Kat and Cam and it’s a whole new world out there. (well I guess Fruitland is a whole new world, but I mean the world of babies and being a mommy! Haha) I have realized that having a baby in the family definitely adds to my testimony that our Savior really does live and love us. He is such an angel and he is definitely a piece of heaven on earth. I also have realized that babies take so much time and energy. Seriously!! Katrina is always doing something for the kid. Either feeding, changing, cleaning, or watching him 24/7. Moms definitely cannot be the kind of people that are all about themselves and have to have a lot of faith in Christ that all will work out. I would say it has given me a different look on babies, not bad, but definitely different. They are so much responsibility, but I can’t wait to have one of my one. To dress cute, to get attached to, and love unconditionally. What an experience it has been.

4. Volleyball seems to be your favorite sport. What do you love MOST about it??

Volleyball is definitely my favorite sport, and I sure do miss it. I kind of regret not doing club volleyball or not going to college to play volleyball. Anyways, what I love most about it?? Hmmm… volleyball is one of those things in my life that give me a high that keeps me going. One of those natural highs that you just cant explain. It’s the feeling that I have once I have come home from a hard, stressful, sweaty practice, and I lay down on the couch or my bed, and I think… I could go climb a mountain, I could go win a marathon, I feel like I am on top of the world. I know everyone has something in their lives that do that to them. Volleyball is just that for me. Volleyball is a game about strategy and teamwork. I am definitely a big team player and do best on a team or in a group. But because of my height, the last few seasons I have been stuck in the back-row being a passer and libero. But I enjoy being back-row so much. Its just one of those things that makes me happy. When the big girl comes in from the outside, jumps over the net and slams that ball to the ten foot line, I dive in an adrenaline rush and pick it up just inches from hitting the floor. I close my eyes for a split second, and next thing I know my outside hitter is hitting it back over. The feeling that, “I just picked that ball up, when I didn’t think I could, and the whole team benefited from my sacrifice.” I was often made fun of on all my volleyball teams because I was constantly on the floor. Not because I would trip or I would dodge the ball, but because I would put myself out to pick that ball up, no matter how low it was. I loved diving and sprawling out in order to make the next play a kill that landed in the newspapers. I don’t know if that was enough to answer your question, and I hope I’m not rambling on and on about it, but that’s what I feel like, and I hope it made sense. Haha.

5. I love reading about your thoughts on topics such as the gospel. If you could pick one gospel principle that has increased your testimony, what would it be and why??

I love talking about gospel principles, believe it or not, the most. I have a very strong testimony of the church and I am proud of it. I would have to say my biggest gospel principle that I have a deep desire for and I could talk about all my experiences with and how much everyone should feel like I do about it. Is Prayers and the power of it. I have had priesthood blessing that made my often ill stomach heal in the snap of your finger. I have had the feeling of heavenly father hug me and his spirit around me, in times of deep hardship. I have had a Patriarchal blessing that has forever changed my views on how much my decision affect my future. I realized how much heavenly father loves me and wants to choose the right path so that I can have that happy life that he tells me about. I have had prayers that I felt a desire to pray for my enemies and those that were causing my hardship, and things changed immediately, even though it was tough to pray for them. I have had things found when lost. I have had prayers help my family that I thought would never be answered by my prayers but my mom’s or dad’s. I have been comforted and given peace just by praying. I have had experiences with family members that have past on and also family members that have not yet come. I believe souly on my experiences and not on other’s experiences and I wish everyone one that. I know that if everyone has at least one experience with prayers that has changed their life, they will always be a huge believer of prayers and the power of them. But prayers don’t have a power without you! He is waiting to talk to you, and wants to give you blessings. Knock and he will let you in!

The last of the purses!!!

I have about 15 more purses left. total. crazy to think only that much left, compared to the hundreds that I have sold so far. Thank you to all of those that have purchased purses from me. It has helped me to get to 19 more days!!!! yay.
So these are my purses with the number I have left, next to the picture. If you dont know by now. The purses are $12.00. total. so if you could let me know as to which ones that you would like to purchase, your name, and your e-mail address, that would be great!! THANK YOU!!!!!
And because I am trying to get rid of the skull and cross bones purses, I am selling them for $10. so if you would like one or know someone that would like one, let me know!!






Friday, February 27, 2009

Cute Flower Hair Clips

So its time for me to pay back, and help a girl in my ward that is selling flower hair clips. So many people helped me sell my purses and is time for me to pay back. She made these clips for a YW Personal Progress Project and is now selling them so that she can pay for Girls Camp this coming summer. I decided to go try a few out, and I love them so much. They are fun, and it was nice to have a little bit of a break from all the bows in my hair. Everyone complimented me on them when i wore them, and they help my spirits... cuz I'M READY FOR SPRING!!!!!
so if you would like to take a look at them, or want more info on them, contact me, and i will direct you to her, or a way to contact her. I have these pictures of the ones that i bought, but she has alot more colors, sizes, and styles. I also got a few pictures of other ones that she sells, but not all. There are the big flowers and she is selling them for $2.50 each. and she is selling the small ones for $1.50!! what a great price!! let me know if you would like some. i promise you, they will be well worth the money. they're fun and super cute. thanks!!

15 Reasons Why I Am a Princess!

1. My father is a king.

2. I have been Cinderella, Belle, and Pocahontas for halloween before.

3. I look just like Cinderella. seriously... when i put my blue dress on, put my hair up in a high poofy bun, wear a white headband, big pearl earrrings, a black choker, my glass slippers, and lots of blush, i look just like her. promise.

4. I have princess window stickers on my car. :)

5. I can speak french just like Belle.

6. I have a picture of all the princesses on the background of my phone.

7. I have a princess lanyard for my keys.

8. I am searching for my Prince Charming

9. I really did prick my finger when i turned 16. haha. just like sleeping beauty

10. I often give objects funny names like Ariel does.

11. I love pink!

12. I love to dress up and look cute!

13. I am one with nature, exactly like Pocahontas

14. I watch one of the princess movies at least once a week.

15. and last but certainly not least... I play with Princess cards and they are my most treasured possession. I play with them all the time.

now we can all agree that I AM A PRINCESS!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tithing Boxes!!

So tonight for mutual we made these SUPER DUPER cute tithing boxes, and I cant wait to get money, so that i can put my tithing in my tithing box. haha. which is a whole other post that i could blab on and on about how much I NEED MONEY!!! but thats for another day.
So tonight we got together at Sister Hamilton's house and decorated tithing boxes. It was nice to get away from the normal stuff at the church, and relax a little at her house. we had lots of candy and goodies to snack on. and we all brought lots of ribbon, bottons, paint, paper, and cute stuff to decorate our boxes with and i was proud of all of the girls because all of them turned out cute in their own unique way. I'm still getting the in-active girl come almost every wednesday to mutual and every sunday to church. this was a good experience for her to get to know us better and just to bond, laugh, and have some good memories. We talked about alot of various different things. I just thought it was a good activity. good times. cant forget this!! :) Love you girls!!! <3

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Preparations for Bon Voyage!!

As most of you know by now, I am going to France in 24 days!!!!!!
My mom and I have been making a few purchases and preparations everyday so that we are fully ready for the day to come. Today, we bought my luggage that will be going to France with me, and I also bought some really cute stickers for my future French scrapbook. haha. I cant wait to start on that project!! We have also bought our 3 oz. bottles, adaptor for plug-ins, ear-plugs and eye covers for the plane ride, a french-english english-french dictionary, and i bought some comfy but stylin shoes for the long walks we will be going on. oh man. i cannot wait.
i have been giving my mom some lessons on the language, so that i wont have to be telling her words all the time. but i think she is doing pretty good for not practicing french since high school. i cant wait to speak french 24/7 over there. i try to do that all the time, but i often have to remind myself, that NO ONE knows french here. haha. i could kinda get away with it when i was learning spanish, but i cant with french really. i can only speak french in my french class, and sometimes with my mom. and trust me, i speak as most french as i possible can. its so much fun. but i cant wait to speak french all the time and to hear it all the time. i've been thinking about some things that would like to buy there. i have a few ideas. but i really dont know. if anybody has any suggestions on things i could buy in france, or some things that would be fun to buy in france. idk? i just need some ideas. anyways... i cant wait. and have i mentioned that I CANT WAIT!!!! (i know i've said that like 50 billion times, but its true... i cant wait!! haha) i will be updating you on my progress with my preparations. i will probably list my itinerary (however you spell that word.) so that i cant show off all the cool places that i am going and the exciting things that i will be doing. haha. JK but anyways.... i cant wait. :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Power of Free Agency

My whole life, i have always been, a "huge walking poster of free agency", as my friends call me, because i know the power and influence of free agency, and in my own life, i have several examples of why free agency is key to life.
Examples: I love running! Tell me to go run and I hate running!!
I love reading! Tell me to read a book and I hate reading!!
its just the way of life. and several people always tell me that they dont believe me, and its just that i dont like people telling me what to do. which is true. but isn't that part of free agency. i get to choose what i want to do.
anyways... the reason why i've been thinking about this recently.
for those of you who read my blog about my "amazing" teacher, Mr. Stout, you will get this. for those of you who dont know what I'm talking about, skip this for now, and read up! :) but Mr. Stout is to the point in our lives where all we do is read. not even kidding. its an Advanced Placement English Literature class and thats all we do. now dont get me wrong, i know reading is powerful and all, but not for an AP literature class. anyways, he gives us a book to read, we read in class, we read at home, we read in class, we read at home, he gives us another book, we read in class, we read at home, and so forth. i'm not complaining. but its getting old. anyways, as i was thinking about this situation, i realized how many people are actually reading and liking these books that he assigns us, (so far we've read Wuthering Heigths, and The Power and The Glory) unlike what we used to be. so i think its the attitude thats non-chalant and low key, that gets the students to want to do it because we arent being forced to shove books into our brains. i feel like thats why i'm reading these book and enjoying them, because all he says anymore, is everyother day he tells us the next book assignment, and thats it. nothing said about it. so we want to read. and i guess we have nothing else to do anyways. haha.
i just realized, once again, that free agency is so powerful. especially in kids, and teens. we hate being told what to do, but will do the exact same thing you told us what to do, on our own free will. what a blessing we have in our lives thanks to our loving father in heaven that gave us that option, and the country that we live in as well that we can choose, to an extent, what we want to do.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Any good jobs anybody??!

I am getting a little anxious and nervous about France and about college coming up really fast. and one of the reasons for my nervousness is the lack of $$$!! I am in a desperate mode of getting a job. If anyone knows of anyplace that is hiring right now, that i could get some "hookups" to work at, or a place that will take a hard working, reliable girl, just let me know. and i will eternally be in debt to you. keep an eye out for "now hiring" signs for me and let me know.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I think i'm more prepared than i think i am for the whole college thing.
i made chow mein casserole tonight all by myself. well Ryan told me how to do it, but i actually did it with no one else's help. i was pretty proud of myself.
and you may be asking why was i making dinner all by myself??
well, i come home from the bank with Aimee. and dad's face is like swollen, red and he was talking funny. (it was kinda funny at first.) he was on the phone with the doctor or someone and he said something about allergic reactions to his medications and he had hives everywhere. so i was then really concerned. then he said that he had to go the ER because his mouth was getting swollen really fast and it could affect his breathing because his throght (however you spell that stinkin word!) will eventually swell up. so mom and dad were off to the emergency room and i had no clue when they were going to be home, what i was doing for dinner, and if i needed to be worried or not. but i have been left home several times when my parents went to the ER and this time was definitely not even close to as bad as the other times. oh man. bad memories!! anyways, but i ended up calling Ryan and making chow mein casserole and actually did a spectacular job. then brooke and i went to my weekly dosage of volleyball at the church, to get our minds off of dad, and when we came home, both mom and dad were home and doing fine. so it wasn't that bad.
but i just know, i think i can survive this whole college thing. haha i cant wait!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Eating ice cream by the gallon!

I thought this was just on the movies. But girls really do eat ice cream by the gallon when they're depressed. haha.

I've eaten tons of ice cream today and i think i'm getting sick.

I had an interesting conversation last night with the worst enemy...the male gender!! Boys are so hard to get through sometimes. first, they dont have the emotions that we have, and second, they dont pay attention to the feelings that they do have. and according to him... i was just a FLING!!! yes, i said it, A FLING!!! but i have had it with my emotions. i just feel like i'm sprinting in circles and soon enough i'm just going to get so dizzy, i'm gunna collapse. i've so speechless and shocked at all he said to me last night. i dont even know where to begin. i am so furious! but i want myself to remember this time in my life. i've learned alot so far. and i know i will continue to. i know this is a great learning experience for me, for sure. so i'm grateful for the experience i guess. but i'm not gunna bash on him, boys, dating, or anything else. i'm just gunna leave it how it is and move on. its not worth it to just sit here and pout when i have opportunites waiting for me. so after today, i am a new person and i'm gunna forget about this whole thing and be happy and cheerful about life, because i cant afford to be mr. grumpy gills.

here's to a happier life!! :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

~Quote of the week~

I decided to help make blogging a little more exciting, if i was going to pull of doing it everyday, I might blog a little about my favorite quotes that have had big impacts on my life about every week, or thereabouts.
So here I go....
"There will always be someone making fun of you. But more looking up to you."
I live by this quote, as you can tell by the big poster on my wall. =] and to add to the influence of this quote...the author of it is... ME!! yes, you got that right. Bridget Nielson. :)
A few years ago I was reading through my notebook that i write notes in, at church, and i came across a lesson that was basically about this quote, and i remember how incredible that lesson was and it has still stuck with me. So i decided to sum up this amazing lesson into a sentence so that i can remember it throughout my day... so this is what i came up with. so if you ever see this or hear this aywhere, i hope you think of me. haha.
anyways... the reason why i live by this quote, besides the fact that i thought of it myself, is because it is what any teenage girl needs to hear!!! I'm serious! it got me through alot of tough times through high school crap so far. I have this poster next to my bed, so when i wake-up, i say it aloud to myself and think about it while i get dressed and my situations in my life at that time, and by the time i walk out the door, i am fully prepared for the days stress and pressures.
if you know me well enough, i am a walking example of any girl in high school and what they are. I HAVE NO CONFIDENCE!!! i know i dont, and some days are better than others, but its a constant sturuggle that i try to work on. so thus, i am always thinking that people are talking about me, laughing at me, thinking bad things about me, or whatever the case may be. I feel like the world is just picking on me, when really no one did a thing to me. its just what i THINK. which is often my own enemy. my thoughts about myself. with the pressures of the world now, i am even more modest, more "molly mormon", more scriptorian like (a new word i just learned from my laurel advisor, Sister Mcleave, on sunday), more prepared, more prayerful, more cautious, and more stand-offish at school. with this, it doesnt help with the whole, everyone is making fun of me, crap i deal within myself.
Knowing that EVEN MORE are looking up to me, is so reassuring and helpful to even out the thoughts running through me. i know people watch me and think that they wish they could be more like me, they just cant admit it, because it wouldnt be the "cool" thing to do. I know how high school works. its all about trying to fit in. but having that to keep in my mind as i go from class to class and talk to people to people, i seem to make it enough to go back the next day and survive yet another day in the life of a high schooler. what a feeling. i love this quote and if you havent heard it from me or heard me talking about it so far, i have failed. but now you have, and i hope i make some kind of difference in your thoughts tomorrow.
and if anyone wants this quote as a handout, i have a stack in my room that i hand out to people. haha so just let me know and i will get a handout to ya with this quote so that you can be reminded about this forever!! :) i'll even send it in the mail if you really want it. haha.
have a great week!! <3

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Day Off!!

Today definitely wasnt what i thought it would end up. I thought today was going to be a day to clean my room more, catch up on homework, listen to music, watch movies, and relax. (which i was totally fine with) but I came home from volleyball about 11:30 and my mom was getting ready to take Brooke to the movies with a friend and she asked me if I wanted to go, and I said no, but she said that she was thinking that she would go around town looking for a suitcase for me for France. so i ,of course, went with her. that trip ended in no suitcase, but a 6 hour shopping trip to get a spring bouquet for the living room, a new pressure cooker for mom, and a new tray for the silverware drawer. (YAY!!!) But we did look at some suitcases and i think we will make a purchase here in a week or so. which i am pretty excited about. :)
then I come home ready to clean my room, and do homework and my daily blogging, but had a burning desire to cook dinner. (which i get alot) and then we had FHE and then I had to get my weekly dosage of One Tree Hill and now I am taking this time to do my blogging. unfortunately, I cant upload pics of today and yesterday though because mom is working on taxes (she claims the only reason she was motivated to do her taxes this year was because i really need to start working on my FAFSA forms for scholarships and i guess we cant fill those out till her taxes are done.) on the other computer and the computer out in dad's office, for some reason, doesnt like my flash drive. So i will uplaod the pics of today and yesterday, tomorrow. (if that made any sense at all) But I did have a great day off, and it was fun to spend time with the mama and its always good to see her spend some things on herself, because she rarely does it, so it was well worth the time and energy spent shopping.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thank You!!

I actually ended up taking a bubble bath, spending alot of time in my room, giving myself a manicure and french tips (thanks to the Ham bunch!) and talking to a great friend that helped me through the rest of the day. THANK YOU!! I would like to thank those of you that made my valentines day better: The whole Hamilton family, Shaylee, Dessa, Britney, Leslie, Adam, Katrina, Camden, and especially Taylor. (and i'm sorry if i forgot one!) I really did have a horrible day, and I was in the worst mood ever. It was a really weird feeling too cuz, if you know me, I'm usually happy and positive about life. (or at least try to think so!) But I know it could have been worse if I didnt have every single one of you guys to support and help me through it. Even the simplest comments made a world of a difference. <3 I am now back to normal and have been in a great mood today. YAY!! I spent today at church, in my room with my journal and scriptures, on the computer going through some old memories that I wrote down with Tyler, thinking about the whole thing with him, writing him, organizing some thoughts, making some CD's for Brooke, and blogging. One last thing... I have to set this goal publicly so that I will keep it. I am going to blog everyday this week (to be more like Amy) and write down the simple things in my life so that i wont forget them. :) Then next Sunday I will set this same goal, until I have a whole month and soon enough a whole year blogged.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Thoughts

I am a total scatterbrain today. I was thinking of things that I could write about today, and there is just way too much. So I decided that I would just write down everything that I have been thinking about lately and write some of my feelings on those thoughts. Just so that I can capture this time in my life.

First of all, no one reads my blog anymore! I have thirty friends and family listed on my blog, that I visit everyday. But I must not be high on the priority list i guess or something. But I've kinda liked it lately because I know that no one is going to read it anyways, so i dont have to think about what others are going to think about what i'm writing. But i do this for me and only me. I want to remember my high school era when I am old and wrinkly. and when I have the option to write in my journal or on my blog, I choose my blog because it is way faster to type then to write. But don't worry, I do write in my journal. anyways, but now i feel like i'm just talking to myself, so i'll stop now. haha

Now I want to tell of my feelings of Valentines day. I know when I am in my twenties and newly married, I will just laugh at this, but i want to capture these feelings that I have, cuz i have a suspision that this may be the last "singles awareness day" for me. :) But Valentines day is the worst day on this planet for those that are single. don't deny it. when you are single, you dont get one single thing on valentines day. when you see all the girls getting teddy bears and jewelry and chocolate(which i'm not jealous about at all.) and all that fun stuff. and you look at yourself and you have nothing. its not the fact that i am not getting anything, its just the big magnifying glass in front of you that is emphasizing the fact that you are single and no one loves you. haha. I know i sound pretty bitter about this whole thing... but its what i feel. lol I just hope today goes by really fast, and that i can keep myself busy enough because if i have any time at all, I will think about it, and the water works will come! So this is another reason why I am blogging at this moment in the day. But this morning i had the wonderful opportunity to have the Hamiltons come over and wish me a happy valentines day because they knew how i was feeling today. It made my day. they made a really cute card for me, and i got a manicure set and a cute hair flower. i loved it.

Other thoughts...I now know why I am so shy, held back, and not open when I date. Every single time, I finally let my guard down and I feel comfortable, he walks away, leaving me hanging from the branches of the big oak tree that I used to me. Its so hard, to be involved, but know in the back of your mind knowing that this is all a waste of time. I will admit it, I am extremely bitter toward the male sex right now. They are all driving me insane. I know its just a phase that I am in right now, but I know I needed it because I have learned alot from it. But seriously. The male ego is as big as the sky sometimes, and often times they down realize that their sky is pouring down on the female sand grain egos, and destroying our confidence even more. Thats what I have been noticing lately. Guys are too confident and they like to rub that on us. and it seems like they find that enjoyable.

speaking of.. my other thought that i cannot get out of my head. MR. STOUT!! he is the biggest jerk on this planet. He walks into class everyday and tells us how stupid we are, how lazy we are, how much we have dissapointed him, how much the Juniors are better than us, how we're not going to succeed in college and that we are a waste of breath. and don't worry. I am not exaggerating this at all!!! he has said every single one of those things to our faces. I mean I was getting pretty good about putting that through one ear and out the other. because its been almost two years with that guy. but Thursday, in class, it just really got to me. I tried my best to not cry in class, and I got teary eyed a few times, and i think he noticed, but i just cried my eyes out the second I stepped out of his classroom. my next class was french with my favorite teacher. Madame Bledsoe. she asked me what was wrong, i told her, and she gave me a huge hug and told me what i needed to hear, because she knows how to deal with that guy too. it made me feel so much better. then i went to lunch with Melanie and i just screamed and yelled and told her everything that I thought about that guy, and i'm sure i made no sense at all, but she just listened to me, and just let me go!! haha. thanks girl!! and the worst part about the whole thing. HE FINDS PLEASURE IN TELLING US THAT STUFF!!! he sits there are laughs and laughs and laughs like an evil witch, while the whole class just stares at him in dead silence. He will tell the kids in the back, "I'm going to go back there and pummel your heads right off your neck." and just smile like he owns us, and then laugh and laugh. its the worst feeling in the world. but, i have to deal with him for the rest of the school year, and I have his class on Tuesday, so... hes the biggest angel in the world! ugh.

i think its time for some of my happy thoughts. :) haha. so on Tuesday I came home from 1 and I wanted to get on the computer like I usually do, but mom was on it and was going to be on it for a while because she was dong her bills. I had absolutely no homework that day and the next day. and I didnt know what to do. So I went up to my room and just decided to clean my room. I cleaned top to bottom. and rearranged all of my furniture. I loved it. I finished about 5. So since then I have been able to keep my room clean and I love it so much. It always puts me in a great mood when I clean. and I am happy when I go in my room because it is so CLEAN!!! I could go on and on about all the things that I happy for cleaning my room. I sleep so much better, I'm happier at home, I have something to do now, I am more organized, it is helping me to prepare for college, I have found things that I have been looking for, I have gotten rid of alot of unnecessary things that I had, and so on. anyways. so it was good to get that done.

But, now I can't think of anything else to write about because I'm getting bored of this. So I will write this much right now. and I know for a fact I will be back on in a few hours, because I hate valentines day and I am doing absolutely nothing today and I hate every minute of it. I'm not in a good mood right now. So i will resort to the computer and then get bored and write some more. haha. I'm so predictable!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Top 24 Character Strengths

Your Top Character Strength
Citizenship, teamwork, and loyaltyYou excel as a member of a group. You are a loyal and dedicated teammate, you always do your share, and you work hard for the success of your group.
Your Second Character Strength
LeadershipYou excel at the tasks of leadership: encouraging a group to get things done and preserving harmony within the group by making everyone feel included. You do a good job organizing activities and seeing that they happen.
Your Third Character Strength
Appreciation of beauty and excellenceYou notice and appreciate beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in all domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience.
Your Fourth Character Strength
Love of learningYou love learning new things, whether in a class or on your own. You have always loved school, reading, and museums-anywhere and everywhere there is an opportunity to learn.
Your Fifth Character Strength
Social intelligenceYou are aware of the motives and feelings of other people. You know what to do to fit in to different social situations, and you know what to do to put others at ease.
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Character Strength #6
Perspective (wisdom)Although you may not think of yourself as wise, your friends hold this view of you. They value your perspective on matters and turn to you for advice. You have a way of looking at the world that makes sense to others and to yourself.
Character Strength #7
Modesty and humilityYou do not seek the spotlight, preferring to let your accomplishments speak for themselves. You do not regard yourself as special, and others recognize and value your modesty.
Character Strength #8
Bravery and valorYou are a courageous person who does not shrink from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain. You speak up for what is right even if there is opposition. You act on your convictions.
Character Strength #9
Curiosity and interest in the worldYou are curious about everything. You are always asking questions, and you find all subjects and topics fascinating. You like exploration and discovery.
Character Strength #10
GratitudeYou are aware of the good things that happen to you, and you never take them for granted. Your friends and family members know that you are a grateful person because you always take the time to express your thanks.
Character Strength #11
Spirituality, sense of purpose, and faithYou have strong and coherent beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of the universe. You know where you fit in the larger scheme. Your beliefs shape your actions and are a source of comfort to you.
Character Strength #12
Kindness and generosityYou are kind and generous to others, and you are never too busy to do a favor. You enjoy doing good deeds for others, even if you do not know them well.
Character Strength #13
Hope, optimism, and future-mindednessYou expect the best in the future, and you work to achieve it. You believe that the future is something that you can control.
Character Strength #14
Judgment, critical thinking, and open-mindednessThinking things through and examining them from all sides are important aspects of who you are. You do not jump to conclusions, and you rely only on solid evidence to make your decisions. You are able to change your mind.
Character Strength #15
Humor and playfulnessYou like to laugh and tease. Bringing smiles to other people is important to you. You try to see the light side of all situations.
Character Strength #16
Industry, diligence, and perseveranceYou work hard to finish what you start. No matter the project, you "get it out the door" in timely fashion. You do not get distracted when you work, and you take satisfaction in completing tasks.
Character Strength #17
Creativity, ingenuity, and originalityThinking of new ways to do things is a crucial part of who you are. You are never content with doing something the conventional way if a better way is possible.
Character Strength #18
Honesty, authenticity, and genuinenessYou are an honest person, not only by speaking the truth but by living your life in a genuine and authentic way. You are down to earth and without pretense; you are a "real" person.
Character Strength #19
Caution, prudence, and discretionYou are a careful person, and your choices are consistently prudent ones. You do not say or do things that you might later regret.
Character Strength #20
Zest, enthusiasm, and energyRegardless of what you do, you approach it with excitement and energy. You never do anything halfway or halfheartedly. For you, life is an adventure.
Character Strength #21
Capacity to love and be lovedYou value close relations with others, in particular those in which sharing and caring are reciprocated. The people to whom you feel most close are the same people who feel most close to you.
Character Strength #22
Self-control and self-regulationYou self-consciously regulate what you feel and what you do. You are a disciplined person. You are in control of your appetites and your emotions, not vice versa.
Character Strength #23
Fairness, equity, and justiceTreating all people fairly is one of your abiding principles. You do not let your personal feelings bias your decisions about other people. You give everyone a chance.
Character Strength #24
Forgiveness and mercyYou forgive those who have done you wrong. You always give people a second chance. Your guiding principle is mercy and not revenge.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Adventures with the best friend

Well. today will forever be put into "The Book of Adventures In My Life". along with every single day that i spend with this woman. :)
but whats funny about today. its not anything extraordinary compared to the other adventures that i have had with this kid. we didnt go down white river rapids on our butts, we didnt go stroll around the mall in prom dresses, and we especially didnt get almost hit in boise. but it was enough to say it was a great day with my best friend, my pal, my chum, my homie, the one and only...Melanie Morriss. gotta love her. even through the think and the thin. even through one jelly shoe. even through our dissagreement with the cellar in her basement. even through my bratty phase. and especially through girls camp!! hahaha.
but anyways...back to my we were "off to the races" after a stop at her house and a stop at my house. but...we had NO IDEA what we were going to do. so we took a stop at the theaters. which is basically her house these days. and i actually made a decision to not watch a movie that day. (yes. I, Bridget Nielson, the most undecisive person in the world, made a decision.) so then we had to decide where to go eat. because thats just the story of my life with her. always eating. something. somewhere. haha. thats pretty much a huge bonus for hanging with her. we're always eating. and we had a rather extensive conversation on where we were going to chow down. but dont fret. with the help of Mel, i made another decision to go to Olive Garden to eat. but it was after, "well Olive Garden does have that bread that is so good. and you can TEAR it apart and eat it." ya that word got me. we were off to the garden of olives.
i'm pretty much a fatty after that trip to the garden of olives. but once you have two glasses of Dr. Pepper, a huge salad, tons of bread, a whole plate of fettucini Alfredo, and some more bread with this amazing cheese sauce, you become a member of the FATTY CLUB. :) what a feeling it is.
then we took a detour over to Target (pronounced: Tarjay) to take a gander at the shoes. you know those things that are always on your feet. (well technically not me. my shoes are never on my feet but rather off my feet. i cant stand wearing shoes. but who doesnt buy things to just put in the closet and look at because thats what shoes are. a foreign object to me!! my feet freak out when i put shoes on. like they dont know what to do with them or something...anyways...way long tangent...i think i learned that technique from MR. KING. hahaha) i was in desparate need of some converse for my lovely feet. and i must say. my feet are pretty happy too. along with my stomach. so i was so glad we did that. it was well worth my time, energy, and money. i'm already in love with them and its only been 4 hours. haha. while we were there. we decided to make fun of the hats, purses, lingere, sunglasses, and was great, it was fun, it was great fun!!some pretty good times right there. and its even more fun when you have to pee!!! hahahaha. make a really really long story, long, i basically love you, Melanie Morriss. :)